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Best Products For After Birth & Breastfeeding Edition

Pregnant woman and partner researching best products for after birth and breastfeeding
Pregnant woman and her partner browsing online. Researching the best products for after birth and breastfeeeding before making purchases can help you to feel more organised before baby arrives.

It can be so exciting preparing for those first few weeks following the birth of your baby (postpartum period). BUT it is important that you prioritise your comfort and healing. This is why I recommend to plan ahead, as much as you can.  Ask your loved ones about setting up a meal train, chores or errands they may be able to run. By having this help and support in place you will be able to enjoy the newborn stage even more!

Also, think about connecting with professionals such as a Lactation Consultant while you’re still pregnant. This way you have someone you already know and trust if you need them once you start breastfeeding. I know that a lot of this may not necessarily cross your mind until you’re in the thick of it. But lining up some of your favourite people to support you now will make a huge difference! 

Right – now let’s chat through some of my favourite after birth must-haves:

After-Birth: Your Fourth Trimester

The fourth trimester is all about prioritising comfort, convenience and recovery as you get to know your baby. The more you can do during pregnancy to prepare the better! Here are some of the things you can grab to get your home set up and ready for postpartum:

Postpartum Caddy

Keep this in or near your bathroom. It will hold everything you need close at hand for dealing with pain and bleeding while toileting:

  • Maternity pads or Partum Panties are a must! I prefer Partum Panties initially as they’re really secure and comfy no matter what type of birth you have. They don’t move around or leak like pads can when the bleeding is heavier. Expert tip: you can sneak a pad into the panties at first when the bleeding is heavy.
  • Perineal spray/foam – I like the Kin Fertility Perineal Healing Foam with witch hazel which helps to relieve discomfort from tears and haemorrhoids. You can apply it to a padsicle or pad for relief!
  • Peri Bottle – this squirts water onto your perineal area as you pee. This can be really soothing as urine can otherwise burn any torn/healing skin. I used the Peri Bottle from OhMama and it was super easy to use.  
  • Perineal Compression Pads – I love Haakaa’s Reusable option. These soothe all of the aches and pains around your perineal area after giving birth. They can be chilled or frozen, then fit inside the cotton sleeve which provides a protective layer between the pad and your underwear. 


This is a big one! Go for a good one-handed drink bottle with a straw or button (I love Frank Green). It makes it easier to drink while breastfeeding! Something else you may like to try, especially if you struggle drinking a lot of water, is a hydration drink specifically for pregnancy and postpartum. Mini and Me have a really delicious option called Hydramama  (available in several yummy flavours). It’s loaded with electrolytes, folate, vitamin b6 and vitamin C. Check out their website to learn more.

Frozen meals:

OK not a product as such, but worthy of a mention 100%! FILL YOUR FREEZER, MAMAS! Load up on all those lasagnes, casseroles and soups. Freeze anything that is easy to pull out and nutritious. Especially when you’re in the thick of cluster feeding, the witching hour and exhausted. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later! 


Preparing for breastfeeding is so important! In the early days of your breastfeeding journey, it really can feel all-consuming. The reality is newborn babies feed A LOT especially when they’re working hard to help increase your milk supply. And this all occurs while you are dealing with engorgement and leaking breast milk too! Having had three breastfeeding journeys myself, I’ve tried and tested many products to support breastfeeding. Some of these have been not so great but others have been such a huge help and it’s a pleasure to recommend them to the Mamas I have worked with as an IBCLC Lactation Consultant. Here are a few of my favourite breastfeeding products:

Ice Packs

Your breasts are probably going to feel like achy, giant, hot watermelons in the beginning. Ice packs are a great way to find some relief. I’m a big fan of Haakaa’s Hot & Cold Breast Compression Pads. Just as their name suggests, they can be used to soothe with heat (great for encouraging let-down!) and they can be chilled to help relieve inflamed or swollen breasts and nipples. Make sure you are only using ice packs for a max of 20 minutes. 

Milk Collectors

Many Mamas opt for silicone breast pumps like the Haakaa Pump to catch their let-down which often leaks out of the other breast while breastfeeding on the other side. The problem with silicone pumps is is it can create an oversupply by pulling out too much milk, leading to possible issues down the track like plugged ducts or mastitis, which we want to avoid! This is why I prefer milk collectors/breast shells like the Haakaa Ladybug. These are fantastic because they don’t use any strong suction and they just sit in your bra collecting any leakage or let-down that would otherwise need to be soaked up by a breast pad.

Coconut oil

I’ve said it a thousand times before, and I’ll say it again, but Coconut oil is my favourite baby and postpartum product. Turns out, it also makes a great nipple cream. Just make sure you wash it off BEFORE you latch bub on.

Breastfeeding pillows

You either love them or hate them, but they are great for getting baby at the right height to feed, and can be fantastic if you’ve had a Caesarean in particular as the pillow takes baby’s weight instead of it all being on your abdomen. If you want to invest in a breastfeeding pillow, go for it – but I personally find a good ol’ triangular pillow works just as well, or even just a regular pillow. Courtney can you recommend a breastfeeding pillow brand?

Breast pads

Breast pads can make a huge difference to your comfort if you’re leaking milk. There are some fantastic reusable options out there but I hate to break it to you – the disposable ones are what I personally prefer as they are less likely to encourage the growth of candida albicans which can cause nipple thrush. Courtney can you recommend a breast pads brand?


Baby Essentials Basket: this is an absolute game changer! Your BEB is a little basket/nursing station set up with everything you need to keep you comfy while you’re breastfeeding. Think breast pads, waterbottle, flashlight, nipple cream, snacks and all the bits and pieces you need for changing Bub too. The BEB should be easy to transport around the house. Find out what to include in yours in my FREE Mama Linc BEB Check list here.

Easy one handed snacks

When you’re breastfeeding, it’s important to keep yourself fuelled with nutritious meals and snacks… and trust me, you’ll be wanting to snack a lot more than usual as breastfeeding demands a lot from our bodies! Lactation cookies, bliss balls, nuts and pretzels. 

✨Breastfeeding Classes✨

Learning all you can about breastfeeding before your journey even begins can make a huge difference to your journey, arming you with the knowledge you need to succeed. Better yet, try out my Mama Linc Breastfeeding Programs! More than just a one off class, these can be accessed throughout your first year with your baby. Like a lactation consultant in your pocket, you can access specialist advice at any time on just about any breastfeeding challenge you may encounter along the way, including getting the right latch from the beginning!

Don’t forget to check out our FREE Prenatal Class that 8 out of 10 new mothers say they wish they took before birth to ease their stress and worries. You can even watch it at your own pace from the comforts of your own home! Sign up here!

Wishing you all the best for birth, postpartum and breastfeeding, beautiful Mama! Have you seen my blog on must-haves for your hospital bag and nursery? Make sure you check it out here.

It’s important to note this blog is general education only. For any personal based advice regarding you or your baby please seek advice from your own healthcare professional.