Hey Mama. My name is Courtney and I’m really excited to have you here as part of our Mamaunity. I’d love to share with you a little bit more about how Mama Linc came to be – and ultimately grew into what it is right now.

I always wanted to be a Mama. But, my mother was very adamant = “Courtney, you need to be financially independent before you think about babies!” AKA get a degree. After some time, I fell into nursing and truly found my passion in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). For parents who may not be familiar with the NICU – this is a special unit within a hospital where sick or premature babies are cared for.
In addition to my work as a Nurse, I also studied to be an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Certified Sleep Consultant. I wanted to be able to help parents on a broader spectrum by being able to offer support through every day care, feeding and sleep. This is why I started helping parents around my NICU shifts offering private consults in their homes, addressing any challenges they may be facing with their little ones.
So, as you guys may or may not know, I’m originally from Canada, but moved to sunny, warm Australia back in 2013. Now, I know you’re probably wondering why on earth would you randomly move to Australia, Courtney?!
Truthfully, after so many years of study and work, I just wanted to travel and live life for bit – but ultimately, these adventures don’t fund themselves… so this girl had to work! I took on a nursing role at the local hospital and also picked up some private Postpartum, Sleep and Lactation Consults with Australian families.
I really was here just for a good time and some life experience… but a certain someone messed up the plan. I met my favourite Aussie on Tinder (let’s call him B – he doesn’t do socials haha). He immediately supported my dreams and ambitions right away, and took a huge interest in the work I was doing. We went on to get married and soon welcomed our first son, Thad.
As a first time Mama back then – I finally gained a deeper understanding for what new mothers go through. Even as a health professional, I am going to be honest with you: I struggled. Massively. I went through clogged ducts, mastitis, sleeping issues and more. I felt so fortunate that through every step of my own challenges, I had the privilege of knowing what to do and how to solve the problems I was facing.
Too many new mothers don’t have this, and I couldn’t help but worry about the millions of new parents globally who needed help and support. It was in the depths of my own struggles that I came up with the idea for Mama Linc. I dreamed up a way to put myself and my learning right in the hands of new parents – accessible at all times, from before their babies are even born!
Over the next four years, Mama Linc became more than just a dream – and we added two more little ones to our family.
We moved from concept, to writing, to web and app design and finally filming and creation – all while navigating my own newborn and toddler journeys!
I’m so excited to share more than a decade of learning with you and for you to have access to specialized help right in the palm of your hands. Through one app, I can walk you through the basics and intricacies of your newborn’s growth and development, answering all the “silly” questions that too many shy away from – because I know that the small things are often the big things! I delve into feeding and all the associated challenges, and get you on the right track to supporting your little one to be the best little sleeper they can!
All families deserve to have access to expert advice they can trust, and I have made it my mission to empower you to feel confident, self-assured and at ease as you navigate every step of this new journey.
If you’re currently pregnant, I’d love for you to join me on our FREE Prenatal Class that 8 out of 10 new Mamas say they wish they took before birth to ease their stress and worries. You can watch it any time, at your own pace, all from the comforts of your own home! Sign up here
If you’ve already had your baby, your 7 day FREE trial of Mama Linc is on me! Simply join up today – no purchase necessary – and access a range of free content and resources to support you on your journey. <link apple and google app links>