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Your Baby’s Movements During Pregnancy

Your Baby’s Movements During Pregnancy
Pregnant woman touching her belly and feeling baby move, punch and kick

Did you know that your baby’s movements in-utero provide us with a lot of information about their health and well-being?

This is why it’s so important to get to know your baby’s normal pattern of movements. So if anything seems out of the ordinary, you can notify your provider or head to hospital for monitoring right away.

When will you feel your baby’s movements?

First time mothers typically start to feel their babies move somewhere between weeks 16-24. It can vary a lot. Often with second and subsequent pregnancies, it can be on the earlier side as you know what you’re looking for and are more tuned in to what those fetal movements feel like. 

What will my baby’s first movements feel like?

Some Mamas describe it as popcorn popping, while others notice a feeling of butterflies ‘fluttering’. The first movements are called the ‘quickening’ and it can be a very special time! But it will likely be a little while before you can see, and your partner can feel movements from the outside. 

As your baby gets bigger and stronger, their movements will also become bigger and stronger! You’ll notice more kicks, rolls and punches, and some can feel pretty powerful!

Do I need to count my baby’s kicks?

There is no one set number of kicks you should feel in a given space of time. What’s more important is getting to know your own baby and what is normal FOR THEM. You may notice that they’re typically more active at a certain time. 

If you notice decreased, increased or unusual movements that don’t seem to be in line with what’s normal for your baby, then it’s incredibly important that you seek help immediately. If you head to hospital, they’ll be able to do CTG monitoring and check your baby’s heart rate to see how they are going. 

Can I check my baby’s movements at home with a Doppler?

Home dopplers are not recommended as without proper training, you may pick up your own heart rate. Even if you do detect a heart rate, this also doesn’t mean that baby’s change in movements can be ignored. It’s vital that you leave this to the professionals, and head into hospital to be monitored.

So, how can I get to know my baby’s movements?

You know your baby better than anyone else! As your baby starts to move more, you will begin to notice the times they are most active. You will also get to know the times when you notice your baby’s movements less – e.g. if you are standing or walking. 

Pregnant Mamas make sure you check out our FREE Prenatal class that 8 out of 10 new mothers say they wish they took before birth to ease their stress and worries. You can even watch it at your own pace from the comforts of your own home! Sign up here.

It’s important to note that baby’s movements should be discussed with a healthcare provider to ensure safety and suitability for individual circumstances. This blog is general education only. For any personal based advice regarding you or your baby please seek advice from your own healthcare professional.

  1. Fetal development: The 2nd trimester. (2022, June 3). Mayo Clinic.
  2. Healthdirect Australia. (April 2022). Baby movements during pregnancy. Pregnancy Birth and Baby.
  3. Stages of pregnancy | Office on Women’s Health. (February 22, 2021).
  4. The Royal Australian College of general Practitioners. (2014). Decreased fetal movements: a practical approach in a primary care setting. Australian Family Physician.
  5. The top 6 pregnancy questions I hear from First-Time Moms. (April 2022). ACOG.